Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hello Spring!!

With two solid months of major events behind us Joel and I are looking forward to spring- a time of re-birth, beautiful flowers, and doing NOTHING.

As most of you guys probably know, Joel and I got married on 1/14/10. (We went to Colorado for the ceremony).

Then we had Mom birthdays: My mom's birthday is 1/16 and his mom's is 1/17.

Followed by Valentine's day-- which in the Surface house is a big occasion.
(It is my favorite holiday)

Our birthday's fall a week after Valentine's Day. Mine is 2/19 and his is 2/21. For our birthday we went and had dinner with my Mom, Dad, Brittany, Andrew, Aunt Lynn, Uncle Jim, and Allison at Casa Rita's. The food was really good, and we had a great time despite some parking and server issues. ;)

After the dinner we went out to Dublin Square (an Irish pub and grill) with Mario & Devon, Jerry & Devin, Jessica & Jordan, Brittany, Glenn, and Lacey & Guy.
We had a blast. The D.J. played some Abba(which Mario sang at the top of his lungs) and Lil' Wayne for us.

We've been busy, and as much fun as these past 8 weeks have been we are ready for life to get back to normal.